“The Language of Light” is a 6-part online lecture series from Robert Grant for participants that have completed his Etymology of Number course. This advanced curriculum builds upon the concepts and numerical pattern methodologies described in the first elective in order to explore deeper discoveries in unified sciences, mathematics, music, art, consciousness and spirituality.
This lecture series dives deeply to discover new mathematical constants, derived from prime number patterns and their interactive role with known constants in forming the universe of geometry embodied as a beautiful symphony of matter and life. This course attempts to unlock the mysteries of science and esoterica from a wholistic perspective, combining history and ancient sites, ageless symbology, polymathic philosophy, biology, musical theory and alchemy.
We will also explore the practical application of these mathematical discoveries and how they can be utilized along with hertz EMGR (Electro-Magneto-Gravito-Radiativity) to better understand time, the Inverse Square Law, biology, DNA genotypic and phenotypic expression, vacuum energy and matter transmutation.